Thursday, November 4, 2010

updates: many movements!

On the heals of a cholera outbreak that left nearly 450 people dead and more than 6500 hospitalized, Haitians are preparing for the arrival of yet another threatening disaster, Tropical Storm Tomas. Yet not all things headed to Haiti are so ominous! After two months of organizing offers and coordinating partners across the northeast of the US, we are very excited to be updating you from Boston with news that our next donation of beds for Haiti is ready!

Some of us from the 100 Beds team have traveled to help pack up hospital bed frames in Massachusetts. With help from logisticians in Pennsylvania and volunteers from New York, these frames will be matched with mattresses in New Jersey, and then shipped to our partners in the Caribbean on a shipping line from the Mediterranean!

On the eve of our next major shipment of beds to Hôpital Sacré Coeur in Milot, Haiti, we are incredibly grateful for the support and encouragement received from friends and collaborators across the country and around the world. Your financial generosity, and the incredible commitments of volunteers near and far, have made this amazing process possible and it’s really quite moving to see all of these efforts coming together.

It is our hope that everything goes well with our packing and shipping tomorrow, and we look forward to sharing pictures and stories from this next step with you soon. Keep your fingers crossed for us and for our friends and partners in Haiti, with wishes that they weather the upcoming storm, and await our next shipment of beds, with resilience.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful work Judy! Mission accomplished! Now for the next 100 of something for a community in need!


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