Foremost, the recent Cholera outbreak in Haiti continues to to be of grave concern to our partners in Cap-Haitien and Hôpital Sacré-Coeur. CRUDEM and the hospital continue to take in patients, which only reinforces the need to deliver more viable beds. While there has been some good news regarding the veracity of the crisis, there is still a greater danger of the outbreak spreading to the still-reeling populace in Port Au Prince.

So far, 259 Haitians have died, with another 3,300 afflicted. Partners In Health has provided a thorough news round up, here, and official Haitian government and UN statistics are available within the Cholera Situation Update, here.

So far, 259 Haitians have died, with another 3,300 afflicted. Partners In Health has provided a thorough news round up, here, and official Haitian government and UN statistics are available within the Cholera Situation Update, here.
We at 100 Beds have been collaborating with new partner organizations, including Medical Angels, to help secure more quality beds as well as emergency medical supplies. We continue to reach out to new sources for the next shipment and should have some good news to share very soon. As always, you can donate to the campaign here, and help us BEAT our goal of sending 100 beds to support the continuing recovery of Haiti and her people.
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