Monday, February 7, 2011
new arrivals
It is exciting to see these 70 beds in place and even more exciting to know that our efforts are supporting the essential work of our partners at the hospital.
The arrival of these beds at HSC is complemented by a recent expansion of the hospital’s physical plant, which now includes a maintenance building and storage warehouse, situated adjacent to a prosthetic lab and a solar powered water purification system. As our partners at HSC enter their 25th year of improving healthcare in Haiti, we are also happy to report news of an upcoming conversion and expansion of on-site facilities to include a library and a housing compound for additional volunteers and students.
Despite the many media reports focused on the difficulties in creating change in Haiti, we are proud to have worked with an organization that has made the most of opportunities born of the January 2010 earthquake by improving and extending the quality of care available in the north of Haiti. Moreover, as we close the chapter on this project, we are thrilled to recognize that we have successfully accomplished, and surpassed, our initial campaign goal of supporting this organization, by bringing a total of 130 beds to Haiti in the past twelve months.
None of this project could have happened without your support, encouragement, and generosity. We thank you and hope you can share our sense of accomplishment, knowing that our small project to bring hospital beds to Haiti is making a real impact upon Haiti’s healthier future.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
one year later
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
shipment number three - 60 more beds for Haiti!
Two storage containers full of hospital bed frames and a shipping container at Lexington Health Care Center
transloading bed frames into the shipping container
volunteers helped load supplies into the shipping container before it was sealed for shipment to Haiti
in addition to 60 beds, our shipment included medical equipment and supplies
some members of the 100 Beds team back in NYC celebrating after the move
Thursday, November 4, 2010
updates: many movements!
Some of us from the 100 Beds team have traveled to help pack up hospital bed frames in Massachusetts. With help from logisticians in Pennsylvania and volunteers from New York, these frames will be matched with mattresses in New Jersey, and then shipped to our partners in the Caribbean on a shipping line from the Mediterranean!
On the eve of our next major shipment of beds to Hôpital Sacré Coeur in Milot, Haiti, we are incredibly grateful for the support and encouragement received from friends and collaborators across the country and around the world. Your financial generosity, and the incredible commitments of volunteers near and far, have made this amazing process possible and it’s really quite moving to see all of these efforts coming together.
It is our hope that everything goes well with our packing and shipping tomorrow, and we look forward to sharing pictures and stories from this next step with you soon. Keep your fingers crossed for us and for our friends and partners in Haiti, with wishes that they weather the upcoming storm, and await our next shipment of beds, with resilience.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Love and Beds in the Time of Cholera

So far, 259 Haitians have died, with another 3,300 afflicted. Partners In Health has provided a thorough news round up, here, and official Haitian government and UN statistics are available within the Cholera Situation Update, here.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Imagine This: a track and video supporting Haiti
JGROMMA has written and performed Imagine This, an awesome track that he has dedicated to the people of Haiti affected by the January 2010 Earthquake. Touched by the ongoing recovery efforts, JGROMMA will generously donate all proceeds from the sale of Imagine This to the 100 Beds For Haiti Campaign. Please take a moment to hear the track and watch this great video, arranged by Daren McKelvey using photographs from friends of the 100 Beds Campaign.
"Imagine This" by Jgromma from 100BedsForHaiti on Vimeo.
Support our campaign and purchase this track for $1.29 via iTunes or Bandcamp. Stay tuned for more amazing music coming from JGROMMA and learn more about his work on his myspace and facebook pages, follow him on twitter, and catch more of his videos on youtube.
Friday, August 27, 2010
35 More Beds Arrive in Haiti
Our second shipment of 35 beds arrived in Haiti this month, bringing our grand total of delivered beds to 70!

Initially the beds-- a second generous donation from the Bethanien Hospital in Germany -- were scheduled to arrive in July. However, do to the overwhelming traffic of aid and supplies headed into Haiti, our beds were delayed for a few weeks in Caribbean.

Only 30 more beds to go!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
breaking records for beds
During our July 16 fundraising event, A Night of Art, Film, Dance and Fun: Raising Funds for a Healthy Haiti 6 Months After the Earthquake, we challenged attendees to help us set a world record with the The Universal Record Database:
Using the neat new product SQUARE, we collected credit card donations via iPhones throughout the evening. The attendees at our Manhattan event donated a total of $401.72 using SQUARE, setting a new record for Most Money Raised Using Square At A Charitable Event!
Thanks for the cool tool, SQUARE, and thanks to all the attendees and donors that helped set this record!
comings and goings
Much like the delays from traffic jams and winding security lines during the heavy summer travel seasons across the US and Europe these days, our exciting shipment encountered some delay in the Caribbean due to the huge amount of cargo destined for Haiti during the busy summer months.
After three weeks of delay, while our partners at Hôpital Sacré Coeur have continued caring for patients on makeshift cots and temporary beds, we are very happy to announce confirmation that our shipping container has arrived! The precious container was discharged this week in Cap Haitien and the beds will reach the hospital soon.
We hope that all our supporters and fans are enjoying a great summer of smooth sailing and fun travels, and that you will stay tuned for more updates and pictures!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
and the thanks continue...
We are still reveling in all the positive feedback from last week's event and wearing big smiles of gratitude towards all of our supporters and collaborators that made this event possible. On behalf of the entire 100 Beds for Haiti campaign and our partners at Hôpital Sacré Coeur, 100 thanks are extended to:
Our fantastic venue and hosts:
Our three beat-slinging and dance-inducing DJs:
Justin Miller, of DFA records
DJ SABO, of Sol*Selectas/Bersa Discos/Mo'Glo' Radio 91.5 FM,
The great graphic design and photographic talents lent by
Color Me Katie
Excellent sound and visual elements supported by:
Kiss Brooklyn
v.KA$H (888 Life) visuals
Dubspot electronic music production, DJ School
Barry Heyman entertainment law
Daren McKelvey video production
The wonderful friends, artists, and companies that supported our auction and helped create a fantastic ambiance throughout the affair:
the artist Rojmeck
HIMANE/Trashy Chic
The Team at Collective Hands Foundation (CHF)
Nadege Fleurimond of Fleurimond Catering
Kombit Bar & Restaurant
The Universal Record Database (URDB)
Square Up
Happy Faces Party Goods
The Mattress Insider
Facilities Management and Student Affairs at Columbia University Medical Center
Our generous alcohol sponsors and donors:
Bushmills Irish whiskey
Brooklyn Brewery