Monday, February 7, 2011

new arrivals

After nearly three months, we are very happy to report that our last shipment of hospital beds and medical supplies has arrived in Haiti! Our partners at Hôpital Sacré Coeur recently shared the following photos with us:

hospital beds arrived at HSC hospital beds arrived at HSC
hospital beds arrived at HSC

It is exciting to see these 70 beds in place and even more exciting to know that our efforts are supporting the essential work of our partners at the hospital.

The arrival of these beds at HSC is complemented by a recent expansion of the hospital’s physical plant, which now includes a maintenance building and storage warehouse, situated adjacent to a prosthetic lab and a solar powered water purification system. As our partners at HSC enter their 25th year of improving healthcare in Haiti, we are also happy to report news of an upcoming conversion and expansion of on-site facilities to include a library and a housing compound for additional volunteers and students.

Despite the many media reports focused on the difficulties in creating change in Haiti, we are proud to have worked with an organization that has made the most of opportunities born of the January 2010 earthquake by improving and extending the quality of care available in the north of Haiti. Moreover, as we close the chapter on this project, we are thrilled to recognize that we have successfully accomplished, and surpassed, our initial campaign goal of supporting this organization, by bringing a total of 130 beds to Haiti in the past twelve months.

None of this project could have happened without your support, encouragement, and generosity. We thank you and hope you can share our sense of accomplishment, knowing that our small project to bring hospital beds to Haiti is making a real impact upon Haiti’s healthier future.
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